Tuesday, April 26, 2005

GOP Primary Preview?

Patrick Ruffini is conducting a poll on his blog that is worth checking out. It pits Rudy Giuliani against George Allen, Bill Frist, or John McCain in possible two-way races for the GOP nomination in '08. I don't mind telling you this poll left me in quite a quandry.

The choice was easy when it came down to a race between Giuliani and Allen. When it was between Giuliani and Frist or McCain it became more difficult. I like Giuliani in a lot of areas, but disagree with him on numerous social issues including his pro-choice stance. I won't go into any more detail about my responses here because you need to answer the questions for yourself. Needless to say, the poll provides some real problems for a true conservative such as myself, but I think everyone should check it out because it may very well come down to one of these choices when the time comes. The final results of the poll should be very interesting indeed.
(Hat Tip: Instapundit)

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